If you have any questions that you need to direct specifically to a person in charge, the following page provides you with their e-mail address so you can get in contact with them. Keep in mind, if it is a general question, it may be best to post a message on the Facebook page in the appropriate place. We have people who roam the Facebook page daily and someone will gladly answer your question as soon as possible.
Before you contact someone via e-mail
- Check our Facebook Page or the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) before asking any questions. Not only could your question already be answered, with the Facebook page you may be able to find out that others may be experiencing similar issues.
- If you’re having a registration problem, read the Facebook page before anything else! Chances are that you’ll be referred there if you’re asking something that has been asked already by others, and it’ll save you a few days of waiting for a response that’ll end up going elsewhere.
- All website issues are the responsibility of the Website Administrator.
- All forum related issues are the responsibility of the Forum Administrator.
- E-mailing the chairperson or the vice-chairperson will not garner you a faster response. Please e-mail the appropriate person or refer yourself to the FAQ or Facebook page.
Also, e-mail responses can take a few days, and as the convention gets closer, it gets more difficult to respond via e-mail. Please give as much patience as possible, as we’re only able to process e-mails as quickly as we can do so without hindering other important work.
Contact us by other means besides E-mail
In the event you need to contact us in a formal means, you may send mail to the following address:
Vancouver Anime Convention Society
318 – 7151 121 St
Surrey, B.C.
V3W 0E7
Phone: (604) 265-8227
E-mailing Convention Staff
Please read the note above before e-mailing any of the staff listed below, as doing this will ensure that your e-mail will get to the appropriate person.
General Info: info@animeevolution.com
Convention Email
Arka Movsessian, President | arka@animeevolution.com | (604) 265-8227, ext 6101 |
Kenneth Ng, Vice President | ken@animeevolution.com | (604) 265-8227, ext 3913 |
Thomas Lee, Community Liaison | info@animeevolution.com |
VACANT*, Registration Manager | registration@animeevolution.com | |
Kenneth Ng, Programming Department | programming@animeevolution.com | |
Arka Movsessian, Vendors Coordinator | vendors@animeevolution.com | |
Arka Movsessian, Artists Coordinator | arka@animeevolution.com | (604) 265-8227, ext 6101 |
Thomas Lee, Volunteer Coordinator | volunteers@animeevolution.com | |
Mikal Petersen, Tabletop Gaming Manager | tabletop@animeevolution.com |
*Contact Arka if there’s any artist alley-related inquiries